In the realm of spirituality, it often seems as though we've encountered every conceivable insight and wisdom. Maybe tomorrow or another day we'll hear it expressed in a different way and the meaning or essence of the words will resonate deeply within our hearts.
What is the essence of spirituality? All religions, and spirituality with its many names and forms, at its essence lies the wisdom that we are truly one. Oneness that is beyond name and form.
When we encounter this fundamental truth, a resonance is felt within, an acknowledgment of our inherent unity. Yet, since the beginning of time, even though we are born of wisdom, even though we are sparks of this divine unity, made of this mysterious intelligence, we have often misused this profound knowledge.
We misuse this Knowledge either knowingly or unknowingly to pursue our own personal wills, to attempt to gain a power that we could never truly have. We feel the essence of the Truth of our Oneness and mix it in with the many other concepts we have picked up, instead of using it wisely as intentioned to undo all concepts including that one.
Every concept is untrue including unity. unity, is inherently untrue, for there is nothing to unify. Every concept, even the notion of nothingness is an idea. When we want to use the wisdom and knowledge of our hearts we must use it to cleanse our minds from all ideas.
We will never find the truth, the Peace, the God, the love, what we truly seek out there. Whether in words, in people, in experience, in relationships, in things. It is our nature. We can only live it when we are willing to have no will, to be no one, to want nothing, to be nothing.
Who could that be in this world? Are you willing to leave no mark on this world? To be unimportant? To be unknown? Are you willing to have your name erased? It will happen anyway, why not now? What was the intended message behind expressing these thoughts?
We don't need to prove anything, or fight with what is. The world will never become what we truly want. What we truly want is only what we already are.
How honest are we willing to be with ourselves? Can we admit that every conviction we once held is nothing but a fleeting memory of a thought – an unreal, nonexistent idea? In this introspective journey, authenticity calls us to unravel the layers of illusion, revealing the timeless truth of our essence.

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